Tuesday, June 9, 2015

One Week

One short week ago, our precious son was just entering the world.
Has it really only been a week?

I'm sure many new mothers encounter the same contradiction of emotions.  For me, it's difficult to look at Corinth, perfect and healthy, and currently sleeping, and not think of his sweet sister that isn't here.  On Annabelle's one week birthday, we had a family celebration because we knew there wouldn't be much time to celebrate with her here.

Today, I'm celebrating Corey with a quiet day at home.  The beginnings of routine.  The returning to some normal.  Because he's going to stay.  It's been one of the hardest realities for me to grasp over the last 9 months - my son is healthy and he's here to stay.

I have a lot to process still.  In fact, I've been trying very hard to stay at the surface - not to plunge into the depths of the emotions that aren't really that far down - because right now, I need to just be.

Then there is the gravity of Corey's miraculous journey to our family.  It's huge.  Have you read our adoption story?  Because now that he's here, I'm amazed all over again and I'd love for you to know just how incredible it is that we could even have a third child.  I am reminded that God chose each of our beautiful children to be in our family for a reason, even if I never fully understand His plans.

One of these days I'll write something far more profound, but, for now, I'll be content with the facts of the moment.  Corinth is here!  He has two loving sisters.  One big sis is belting the Little Einsteins theme song from her room (does anyone actually like that show??).  One big sis is loving us from afar. And one little brother is the sweetest new addition our family could have wished for.

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